I wanted to make you all aware of an important Discord Server requirement.
I will be restructuring my Discord in the near future, but as a first step, everyone (with the exception of Patreon & SubscribeStar Supporters) will need to assign themselves with an age role in the roles⭐ channel on Discord. It’s a simple click of an emoji so don’t worry if you’re not tech savvy.
Anyone who has not added an age role to their Discord profile by November 28th will NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS to the voice chat channels and may be removed from this Discord server altogether. (and yes there is a live event planned for November 29th)!
Future Discord access will be by invitation only and / or subscriber access only, so it’s important that you add your role before November 28th.
If you have any questions, you can contact the mods for assistance.
NOTE: Current Patreon and SubscribeStar supporters DO NOT require this role, they have unlimited Discord server access with their subscription.
Thanks! ~Lacey